As those of you who follow this blog know, my real passion is helping girls to develop self-confidence and decide whatever they want to do in life free from gender stereotypes. 

Inspiring Girls International owes a lot to cooking - as I launched it in 2016 and expanded it to the first four countries with the money of my first cooking book 'Made in Spain'.  Since then we have grown a lot: we are now in 14 countries in Europe, Asia, America and Africa. And we have just launched a new Tech Tool allowing girls all over the world with access to internet to have access to female role models with just a few clicks. This is a video of how it works:

You can help all those girls with just one hour of your time per year by recording a video for our role models Hub and being available for remote talks with schools. Just Click on this link in our website so that you can to see the guidelines for the role models' videos:  Start recording in your own language - and don’t worry about the quality of the video, the more authentic it is, the more girls will relate to it.

Upload the video directly as indicated in the web page (it may take a few days for you to see it in the hub, as we review all videos before making them available to the girls) 

This is not only for well knownwomen, or for women of certain professions only: this is for women from all walks of life. For those of you who do not know whether you make a good role model - of course you do!! There is a female role model inside every woman - girls will love to hear from you no matter what you do. 

And if you are a man, we need your help as well. There are already many men supporting our campaign. Send this to all the women you know. And we would love to hear from you whether you have had any female role models too!


This is a delicious yet really simple recipe from a friend in Washington. I normally adapt recipes that people share with me after I test them a few times - but this time I give it to you exactly as I received it: firstly, because in addition to being a great cook, she is a brilliant writer and I would not dare to touch a single coma of something written by a Pulitzer prize; and secondly because I have (finally!) found somebody who is as curt with cooking instructions as I am. This is it:

"Blend together 2 cups of flour, half a cup of sugar and one cup of softened butter (I do it in the food processor) 
Pat into the bottom of a 9 x 11 pan to make the crust.
Bake at 350° for 20 minutes.
While it’s baking, zest and juice two lemons. Whisk together with four eggs, half a cup sugar, quarter of a cup flour. 
Pour over baked crust and bake again for 20 to 25 minutes (The bars firm up as they cool – – if I want a really stiff bar I use the longer baking time.  Shorter time just makes a gooier bar) they keep really well"

Tips for the non-American:
2 cups of flour: 240 g
half a cup of sugar: 100 g
cup of butter: 115 g
350 F: 180 C