This recipe is normally done in Spain with red seabream, which is difficult to find (and has ginormous fish bones, so not great for children) or with John Dory. I use it with all sorts of fish (the one below is with cod) and it is one of the simplest dinners to make - and also one of my favourites recipes with fish.

You need:
- 5 steaks of cod
- 5 fat cloves of garlic (sliced thinly)
- (good) olive oil (6-8 tablespoons)
- 2.5 tablespoons of vinegar (preferably sherry, but any other vinegar will do too)
- a little bit of parsley (chopped)
- salt

Preheat the oven at 200 degrees. Salt the cod and put it on a roasting tray. Put it into the oven (it should be ready in 10-12 minutes, but check after 10 minutes as overcooked fish is vile) While the cod is roasting fry the slices of garlic in the olive oil over medium heat until they get light golden ( it should take 2-3- minutes but again make sure you do not burn it or the garlic will taste bitter) Add the vinegar to the pan with the garlic, take it off the heat and stir it well with a fork so that the oil emulsionates with the vinegar.  Pour the oil over the fish and spinrkle the parsley on top. That is all there is to it!

It tastes great with mashed potatoes. But if you want to make an even more authentically Spanish recipe then start by slicing some potatoes, put them on a roasting tray with salt and olive oil, roast them for 20 minutes at 200 degrees. Then put the cod on top of the potatoes and continue the recipe as per above.