This is how to prepare prawns, shrimps, langoustines, or any over similar sea food so that the flesh stays terse rather than mushy:

Boil water (without any salt) in a large pan. Separately prepare a bowl with very cold water and lots of ice and throw a handful of coarse sea salt in  (a handful of salt for a kilo of prawns). Throw the shrimps or langoustines into the boiling water. Wait for a minute or two until they turn pink (the precise timing depends on the size of the prawn). As soon as they are pink take them off the boiling water and throw them into the salty icy water. Wait for a couple of minutes and serve them  ( or keep them in the fridge covered with a damp tea cloth).  They come out perfect.

According to my foodie brother then reason this works is that you create a process of osmosis with the salt and ice. My physics teacher mother agrees. If my mother says so it must be true!


Just because I cannot contain my excitement, this is the Inspiring Girls webpage. Still without content, but it gives you an idea of how it will be when content will be added in September.

First countries to go live will be: Italy, Spain, Zambia and Serbia. If you know any women in those countries who may want to become part of the camping - or indeed know women in other countries who may want to launch in elsewhere - get in touch with us!

click here for inspiring girls


Grilled courgettes are delicious. These ones are home grown and taste divine. We cut the courgettes in half and then vertically (simply because the courgettes from my uncle's far, are huge, but if you have normal size courgettes  just cut then vertically in pound thick slices). Heat a grilling pan .  Put the courgettes slices on top. Let them grill for 3 minutes until they are golden, turn them around, add a drizzle of olive oil on top, wait for another couple of minutes until they are golden on the other side and then take the courgettes out. Sprinkle a bit of salt on top and serve immediately.

In Spain we serve these as a starter on their own. But they go well with any grilled or roast  meat or grilled blue fish.