I went to Spain last week to vote at the general election (well worth the effort, as we managed to stop the rise of populism there… about the only good effect of Brexit so far!) While in my village I found time to buy some membrillo, much in demand by my children now that we have long exhausted our home made supply - and much cheaper than in the Uk as well. These are really easy pastries that you can make with it.  I do not know anybody who does not like these.

You need: 
- a roll of shop-bought puff pastry
- membrillo (quince paste)
- a packet of grated medium cheddar
- one egg (beaten)

Preheat the oven at 200 degrees. 
Cut the puff pastry into rectangles (4 cms width  and 8 cms length) Put a little square of membrillo on top of the lower part of the rectangle. Cover the membrillo with grated cheese.  Put the upper part of the rectangle on top of the membrillo and cheese so that you end up with a square. Use a fork to press down the sides so that the cheese does not 'escape' when you bake it. Paint the top of the squares with the beaten egg. Bake int the oven for around 22-25 mints until golden.  

PS - you can make membrillo yourself in the Autumn when quinces are in season. This is our recipe: