This is a courgette version of spanakopita that my children much prefer over the traditional spinach filled one. It is a very easy way to sort out a lunch with minimal effort ( just add a green salad on the side)
You need:
- 4 grated courgettes (3 if they are big)
-1.5 tablespoons of olive oil plus more oil for 'painting' the filo.
- half an onion (diced thinly)
- 200 gr feta cheese
- rind of a lemon - grated very thinly
- a packet of filo ( you will need 10 sheets)
- 1 egg
- a tablespoon of sesame seeds of poppy seeds or chopped pine nuts (optional)
- salt

Preheat the oven at 180 degrees.

In a large pan heat the oil, add the onions and let them soften for 5 minutes over low heat. Increase the heat to medium, add the courgettes and let it all fry for 8-10 minutes. Take it off the heat, crumble the feta and add it to the pan. Add salt (carefully as the feta cheese is very salty). Then (this is the secret tip) fry lightly the lemon rind for a minute on half a teaspoon of olive oil and add it to the courgettes and feta mixture. Let this cool down for 10 minutes or so.

Overlap two sheets of filo so that they make a long rectangle. Brush them with olive oil and add two more sheets on top, brush them again and so on until you have used the 10 sheets. Put the courgettes mixture along the longest side of the rectangle. Roll it so that you end up with a thin long roll. Then roll it over itself so that you get a snail shape. Put it on an oven tray lined with baking paper. Pain it with the beaten egg and sprinkle the seeds on top ( this is just for decoration so don't do this if you cannot be bothered). Bake for 35 minutes. It is very delicious.