I have been showing my kids the difference between condense milk (a sinful pleasure) and evaporated milk. What triggered their interest was the comments from a major somewhere in Indonesia that instant noodles and tinned milk was making children gay, as if that was a problem. At least we can conclude that there are majors who say seriously stupid things all over the world. This is one of the recipes that I often make with evaporated milk. You need:

- two courgettes (peeled and cut in thick slices)
- 2 leeks (chopped thinly)
- 25 gr butter
- one tin (410gr) of evaporated milk
- two measurements of the tin of water
- salt

Melt the butter in a pan. Add the leeks, cover them with a lead and wait for ten minutes (over low heat) until they become very soft. Then add the courgettes and wait for a further 8 minutes. Increase the heat, add the salt, milk and water and let it boil. As soon as you see bubbles, lower the heat and let it all simmer for 12-15 minutes. Blend the soup. If you want to eat it as a vichyssoise the let the soup cool down and serve it very cold. I also serve it warm some times and it tastes great.