This is a great way to eat salmon. We got the recipe from the Henderson's Relish website and altered it a tiny bit. The salmon is cured outside but still succulent and mild inside and the marinade makes what is normally a rather dull fish nowadays into a really interesting combination of flavours. You need:

3 thick salmon steaks (without any skin) 
50 gr sea salt
50 gr sugar 
a teaspoon of crushed red peppercorns
juice of a lime, a lemon and an orange
200 ml henderson's relish (it may be our Sheffield bias, but I have tried this with Worcertershire sauce and it is just not the same)
80 gr sugar
2.5 tablespoons of black treacle

Mix the sea salt, sugar and crushed red peppercorns. Cover the bottom of a  flat deep tray with half of this mixture. Put the salmon steaks on top and cover with the remaining salt-sugar mixture. Cover with cling film and let it all rest in the fridge overnight.

The following day wash the salmon steaks to get rid of the salt and sugar. Mix all the other ingredients whisking them well. Put the salmon steaks in  a deep container and pour over the liquid. Let it rest for 12 hours (in the fridge) on one side, then turn them around and let them rest for another 12 hours (if you leave it in the marinade longer the marinade flavour becomes too powerful) . Cut it into thin diagonal slices when you serve it. 

I normally serve this with an endive salad with red peppercorns and dill sauce, though the children fish out the peppercorns. I am afraid the sauce in the picture is shop bought as the day we took the picture we were in a bit in a rush, but I sometimes make it myself and will post the recipe soon. By the way, the best shop bought dill sauce in the market is from Ikea – in fact it is even better than the home made one.