This is the only way to get my children to eat chicken liver and the only way I eat it myself. They refuse to help me cooking it, which I totally understand as touching raw liver is definitely not nice. I get plenty of 'uagghhs' before I cook this and 'yumm' after it is cooked.

You need:
-400 gr chicken liver
- 2 onions (sliced thinly)
- one clove of garlic (minced)
- 1 tablespoon olive oil
- three quarters of a glass of sherry
- 2 tablespoons of creme fraiche
- salt
- 200 gr butter

First melt the butter and let it get cold. Separate the yellow liquid from the white bits at the bottom (the milk proteins) and discard the latter.

Heat the oil in a pan, add the onions and garlic and fry them (over low heat) for 7-8- minutes until they are very soft. Put them in a food processor. Then in the same pan add the livers and fry them for two and a half minutes on one side and two on the other side. Then add the sherry and let it all bubble for a minute and a half  to two minutes (if you over-heat the livers they will get grainy which is not nice, but you really should not feed raw liver to children, so better safe than sorry). Add the livers to the food processor. Increase the heat and reduce the sherry liquid by half (this will take around a minute and a half)  and add it to the pan. Finally add the creme fraiche and a bit of salt and process it all until you get a creamy consistency. I sift it through a strain (I use a chinois one but any strainer would do) so that you get a really smooth paste. Put the paste into the bowl or ramekin where you will serve it. Pour the butter on top. Let the butter get completely cold and keep it in the fridge.