This is my middle son's favourite weekend breakfast: crispy egg fried, white bread toast and Iberico ham. He is happy to eat this at any time of the day though.

To make a fried egg crispy just fry it in very hot oil. Garcia Lorca, a very famous Spanish writer ('The House of Bernarda Alba' is his most famous play in the UK, but you should really try the poem "Lament for the Death of Ignacio Sanchez Mejias' or the theater play 'Yerma') used to call these 'eggs with lace' ('huevos fritos con puntilla').

You just need: an egg, a pinch of salt, five table spoons of oil  and a small frying pan. Put the oil on the pan, heat it until it gets smoky, crack the egg on the oil, add salt, get a spoon and pour some of the hot oil on top of the egg. It should take barely 30 seconds (though it depends on how runny you like the yoke). Eat it immediately.


Quick lunch or snack recipe. We just did not know what to do with a jar of onion jam that we had in the cupboard. The result is very nice as the sweetness of the jam works well with the acidity of the goat's cheese. You need:

- a sheet of puff pastry
- a jar of onion jam
- one slice of goat's cheese per person

Preheat the oven at 200 degrees. Cut the puff pastry into squares. Put one spoonful of onion jam on top of the pastry and the slice of goat's cheese on top. Bake in the oven for 18 minutes.