This is a nice home made present for Xmas. It goes well with ham, any cheese (though in my view it is better with cream, cheddar and manchego-type cheeses than Stilton or blue ones). It also goes well with pates and foie.

You need:
-1100 ml sweet wine
- 800 gr sugar
- one bottle of liquid pectin (177 ml)
- juice of a lemon

Put the wine and sugar in a pan and heat it until the sugar is dissolved and it starts to boil. Add the pectin and lemon jounce and boil again until the mixture raises 105 degrees (it takes around 20 minutes). Pour into sterilised jars (see our jam recipes for the sterilisation method - we normally turn them upside down as they are cooling down). 

Be very careful if the children help with this as they can easily burn themselves. The alcohol of the wine evaporates with the boiling so there is no problem for them to eat this.