Since we now have a madeleines tray we have tried a few different recipes.
You need
- 3 eggs
- 125 g sugar
- 165 g plain flour
- 60 ml milk
- 220 g butter (200 for the madeleines themselves and 20 gr for brushing the tray)
- half a teaspoon of baking powder
- a pinch of salt
- 18 small pieces of chocolate (more of less half a square - we did it with milk chocolate as it is my children's favourite, but this should taste better with bitter dark chocolate)

Preheat the one at 220 degrees.

Mix the sugar ad eggs and beat well. Add the milk. Mix separately the flour, salt and baking powder and fold it into the sugar and egg mixture. Melt the butter (200 g) and add it to the mixture as well. Put it in the fridge and wait for 30 minutes to an hour.

Melt the 20 g of butter and paint with it the madeleines tray. Put a little bit of the mixture in each madeleines mould until they are half-filled. Put the piece of chocolate in and cover it with the rest of the mixture (you may need to press the chocolate down a bit with your fingers so that it is covered by the mixture).

Put the tray in the oven and lower it to 180 degrees. Bake for 12 minutes and unmould immediately as soon as you take them out of the oven. Eat them warm.

The children liked trying different recipes, but all agreed that the classic lemon madeleines (see recipe that we published a couple of weeks ago) is best by far.