We have tried a new gadget to make vegetable ribbons (a zoodle cutter bought in Amazon - easy to handle, small and around £17). You need:

- 3 courgettes
- 200 g raw prawns
- two cloves of garlic (sliced)
- three table spoons of olive oil
- a handful of parsley
- one leek (chopped thinly)
- juice of half a lemon

Heat two table spoons of oil in a large pan (medium heat). Lower the heat, add the leek  and let it fry until the leak is soft. Cut the courgettes into ribbons (you do this by twisting them in the zoodle cutter like if you are sharpening a pen, it takes a minute per courgette more or less). Add the courgettes to the pan, increase the heat and let them fry for 10 minutes.

In a separate pan heat (medium)  the remaining spoonful of olive oil and fry the sliced garlic for a minute until it gets golden. Add the prawns and let them fry for 5 minutes. Right at the end add the lemon juice, and the chopped parsley, let the sauce bubble for 30 seconds and add it all to the courgettes.

Toss it all together and serve.