Lots of countries have a version of rice pudding. This one comes from the north of Spain.
You need:

- 1 l of milk (preferably full fat). And then around 350 ml more.
- 200 gr rice (the round variety, such as bomba' or 'arborio')
- rind of one lemon
- 1 cinnamon stick
- 125 gr sugar

Wash the rice thoroughly. In a pan heat the milk (1 l) , cinnamon stick and lemon rind until the milk boils. As soon as you see the bubbles add the rice.  Lower the heat as much as you can and let it all simmer for 20 minutes. Then add the sugar and simmer for another 25 minutes. You need to stir it often from the moment you put in the rice, as otherwise it will stick to the pan. During the last 25 minutes keep adding bits of milk every time you stir it, especially if the mixture is too dry and it is starting to stick to the pan (we use 350 ml for this because the children like it creamy, but you may be able to do it with less milk). Put it into small bowls and let it set for at least half an hour. We serve it with a bit of cinnamon (very little) sprinkled on top. You can also cover it with sugar and caramelise it with a torch (this is how they do it in Asturias, which claims to have the best 'arroz con leche'  in Spain). You can keep this in the fridge for a couple of days (cover it with cling film) - take it out of the fridge for 30 minutes or so before serving it.  

Children find it very easy to help with this. It is indeed very handy to have them around  so that you can take turns with the regular stirring.