Today we have finally reached double digits in our earnings: £10.31. After three years doing this...  pathetic I know...and the worse bit is that unless we earn £60 Adsense will not send us any amount at all!

Anyway, this is a very traditional ice-cream (and cold drink) in the Mediterranean cost of Spain. It tastes a bit like rice pudding but without the rice.
You need:
- 1 l of milk
- 100 ml of cream
- rind of one lemon
- one stick of cinnamon
- 70 gr of sugar
- 4 egg whites

Boil the milk, lemon and cinnamon with 40 gr of sugar. As soon as it boils take it off the heat and let it cool down. If you put this into the fridge and drink it when it is very cold this is called 'leche merengada' (literally 'meringed milk') Add the cream to the milk.

Separately whisk the four egg whites with 30 gr of sugar as if you are going to prepare a meringue. Mix this with the milk (carefully so that you do not loose the air). Put it into the ice-cream machine (or in a tray into the freezer and move it with a fork various times every hour and a half or so). When you are going to serve it sprinkle a bit of powdered cinnamon on top.