Yes I know, we have a bit of a 'soup thing' lately, but after getting soaked watching/playing rugby, a soup is nice.

You need:
- 2 onions (diced)
- a garlic clove (sliced thinly)
- 350 gr spinach
- a little bit of lemon juice
- 600 ml boiling water
- olive oil
- salt
- creme fraiche: a generous tablespoon and more to serve it  (if you like it - you can also serve it with parmesan cheese on top, or fry some lemon zest in olive oil and add a few drops)

Heat the oil and fry the onions and garlic over low heat until they become translucent. The add the spinach and lemon juice. After 5 minutes add the boiling water, creme fraiche and salt. Let it boil for 5 minutes and blend it.