This is very simple but delicious. You need:

- three spring onions
- half a green pepper
- 200 gr desalted cod (put it in cold water for 48 hours changing the water three times)
- 4 eggs
- olive oil

On a frying pan heat olive oil and fry the spring onions and green pepper (both diced into small cubes) over gentle heat. As soon as the spring onions are translucent and the pepper is soft (5-10 minutes)  add the cod and let it all fry for 3-4- minutes so that the cod brakes into small flakes. Put it over a colander so that you get rid of any excess oil.

Meanwhile beat the eggs, add the cod mixture to the eggs and mix it all well.

Clean the pan. Add more olive oil to the pan and get the oil as hot as possible. Pour the eggy mixture onto the pan and lower the heat to medium. After a couple of minutes turn the tortilla (by flipping it over a big dish) and fry it not the other side.

We do not add any salt to this but you may want to add some before you fry the omelet.

The children helped with all of it, except with turning the tortilla. The key to this is that you need start with very hot oil on the pan, otherwise the tortilla will stick to it.