This is a wonderful jam. Try it either on toast or with cheese.
You need:
- for each kg of apples (strong cooking apples - if you are lucky to be able to get them from a tree that is even better of course...)
- 500 gr sugar
- half a lemon

You also need sterilised jars (put the jars in the oven at 200 degree for 10 minutes).

Peel the apples and cut them into cubes. Toss them with the lemon juice so that they do not get brown. Put them in a pan with the sugar and boil for around 40 minutes (first high heat and as soon as it bubbles reduce it to low heat). Stir often with a wooden spoon. When the mixture  gets golden  and thick enough to feel heavy on the wooden spoon it is ready (you can test it on frozen saucers  - there is a lot of literature on how to do this on the internet - but we never bother and it always comes out right). When it is ready let it rest for 10 minutes and then pour into the sterilised jars. It lasts for a long time.