This is very simple, but the children found interesting the way in which salted cod changes in both taste and texture. You need:

-100 or 150 gr of salted cod - you need to get rid of the salt by putting it into cold water for 36 hours and changing the water every 12 hours. Cut the cod into slices as thinly as possible.
- one orange in thin slices
- one spring onion (cut not too thinly)
- a few black olives
- dressing: 3 tablespoons of live oil, 1 tablespoon of red wine vinegar, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, half a teaspoon of mustard, salt and pepper.

Arrange the cod, orange, spring onions and olives on a plate (in this order). Mix the dressing and pour it on top of the salad.  This taste better if you let it rest for half an hour or so.