We have now published 100 posts and have had more than 10,000 clicks. However, we have not managed to generate any money at all. While we have had fun with the cooking I am failing to teach the children about the economics of the internet. I have tried to explain that it is all based on marketing and ultimately on trust, but even I am not sure how this is meant to work. Our sweet recipes seem to be much more popular than savoury ones, so in an attempt to encourage you to click more on the blog we will publish more sweet recipes for a few weeks. If you visit the blog please-please click on the adds on the right hand column! all we need is to reach the £40 threshold so that they can receive a cheque and then this blog can be over...

This recipe was adapted form the Usborne Beginners Cookbook. You need:

100 g soft butter
100 g sugar
175 g plain flower
1 egg
150 chocolate chips (we did this with Hagelslag, which are Dutch chocolate sprinkles)

In a food processor mix all the ingredients except for the chocolate chips. Add the chips at the end and mix them with a spoon. On a greased baking tray ( or even better on a silicone mat) put tablespoons of this mixture and flatten them down a bit. Cook for 12-15 minutes.


This chicken recipe is a typical Spanish one.
You need:
-Four thighs of chicken
- salt
-olive oil
- 6 cloves of garlic (thinly sliced)
-2 bay leaves
-3 tablespoons of vinegar
-1 glass of water

Heat the olive oil and fry the chicken things on all sides until they acquire a dark golden colour.  Put the chicken aside.

Wait for a while until the oil cools down. Then fry the garlic slices for a minute or so until they start getting a pale golden colour. Add the vinegar and let it bubble for another a few seconds. Then add the water and bay leaves. Let it all bubble for a minute. Add the chicken to this sauce, lower the heat and let it all bubble for 20-25 minutes until the chicken gets tender. Serve with crusty bread or with rice.

You have to be a bit careful with the kids when you prepare this dish as the chicken splatters a lot when you fry it. Also, the vinegar can produce a very strong smell while it looses its acidity and kids might dislike this.


You need:
- 2 egg whites
- 110 gr sugar
- 80 gr plain flour
- 60 gr melted butter
- 100 gr sliced almonds

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Mix well the butter, egg whites, sugar and flour. Then add the almonds. Cover a baking tray with baking paper. Put spoonfuls of the mixture on the tray extending them well with the back of a spoon so that they are very thin. Bake them for 7 to 8 minutes until they become golden. As you get them off the oven peel them carefully with a spatula and put them on a rolling pin or bottle so that they get curved. This only takes a couple of minutes.


This is a  typical treat by Spanish nuns who often used to make a living by selling cakes and sweets. They are very light, as light as the sigh of a nun, hence their name.

You need
 - 3 egg whites
- 125 gr sugar
- 125 gr powdered almonds
- grated zest of half a lemon
- little muffin cases

Preheat the oven at 220 degrees.

Whisk the egg whites. Add the sugar in little bits and continue whisking until the mixture becomes glossy. Fold in the almonds and then the lemon zest.

Spoon the mixture into the cases. Bake until golden - they often take 10-12 minutes, but it depends a bit on the size of the paper case.