This is a great recipe.  Really fresh and subtle. We were in a rush when we took the picture so it probably does not do justice to the recipe. Just trust us on this one. You need:

- 350 gr strawberries
- 70 gr sugar
-  5 leaves of gelatine
- 2 egg whites
- 125 ml double cream and 125 ml single cream

Blend the strawberries in a food processor or with a hand held mixer. While you do this, soak the gelatine leaves in cold water, then get rid of the excess water and put the gelatine in a cup and into the microwave (at high temperature) for 15 seconds. Add the gelatine to the strawberries and mix well.

Separately combine the single and double cream and beat it until you get soft whipped cream. this takes only a couple of minutes. Then fold the strawberries mixture into the cream taking care so that you do not lose any air.

In a different bowl, beat the egg whites until they form soft peaks. Then add the sugar ( in little bits) until the egg whites become glossy. Fold this mixture into the strawberries and cream one taking once again lots of care so that you do not loose the air.

Spoon the mixture into ramekins or little glasses and refrigerate for at least 2 hours.

Children like to help through it all as it involves plenty of blending and beating. Oddly they made no reference to the pink colour.

You can make it one day in advance but remember that this contains raw egg so do not keep in the fridge for more than 48 hours.


This is not really a proper recipe, but my kids like it.

You need:
- 100-140 g of bacon cut into small cubes
- 1 tin of sweetcorn
- 1 cucumber - also into small cubes

Mix all the ingredients together. Add a pinch of salt, 1 table spoon of oil and half a table spoon of vinegar  (all to taste). if you are serving this to adults you may want to add also some chopped avocado.