This comes from a Delia recipe and we have done this countless times. They always turn out well and they are a good side dish for the pork with dried fruit.

You need
- potatoes ( we use one potato per person)
- onions (a large onion for each Kg of potatoes)
- milk (200 ml for each Kg of potatoes)
- water (Delia calls for stock but that masks the flavour of the potatoes)
- 30-40 gr butter
-salt and pepper
- rosemary or thyme (we used with thyme)

Peel and wash the potatoes. Cut them into thick slices - we do this with the food processor- and add salt and pepper.  Peel the onion and cut it into half moons. Take a roasting tray and arrange: a layer of potatoes at the bottom, a bit of the rosemary or thyme, then a layer of onions, another layer of potatoes, more rosemary or thyme, a layer of onion and a last layer of potatoes. Sprinkle thyme or rosemary on top. Add the milk and then add water until you cover three quarters of the roasting tray. Cut the butter into small cubes and put them (randomly) on top of the potatoes. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for an hour. You can prepare this well in advance and then reheat it in the oven.

The children enjoyed cutting the veggies in the food processor. They also helped arranging the layers and pouring the milk and water.