The children like the colours and flavours of of this recipe.

You need:
- 500 g pork loin (this is purely indicative)
- a handful of prunes (stones)
- a handful of dried apricots
- 2 tsp dried oregano
- 2 medium onions cut in big chunks
- olive oil
- salt
- water
Preheat the oven at 250 degrees. Score the skin of the pork. Make a hole shaped like a cross through the middle of the pork loin with a long knife (you may need to pierce both sides but it is very easy to connect both holes) Stuff as many apricots and prunes as you can into the hole (we normally make a pork loin with prunes and another one with apricots but you can mix both or just use one of them). Rub the loin with the salt and the oregano. Put it in a - not too big- roasting tray with the onion. Throw in a few more prunes and apricots  if you wish. Drizzle a bit of olive oil on top and put it all into the oven for 15 minutes. After that time add a glass of water to the tray (not on top of the pork) and reduce the temperature to 190 degrees. Let it roast for 1.30 hours more or less adding more water to the tray if it dries off. When you take it out you may want to cut off the skin and get it back on its own into a very hot oven to make it even crispier. Cut the loin into even slices. You do not need any gravy on this as there is normally enough sauce left in the roasting tray.

Though the children do not like touching raw meat they had no problems stuffing the dried fruit into the loin. Be very careful with all the long knives that are needed for this recipe.