We got the idea for these cupcakes from an Annabel Karmel recipe (slightly adapted). These are for a school cake sale. You need:

For the cupcakes:
125 grs of butter,
125 grs of sugar
125 gr self-raising flour
2 eggs
2 table spoons milk
optional: half a teaspoon of vanilla or lemon extract

For the decoration:
one tub of royal icing
a marshmallow per cupcake
a sugary snake cut into a long strip per cupcake
silver buttons
an orange piece of candy, sugar or chocolate button per cupcake
liquorish or similar for the hats and little bits of black sugar icing for the eyes 

Mix all the cupcake ingredients in a food processor and mix well. Preheat the oven at 200 degrees. Put the mixture into the cupcake cases and bake for 20 minutes. This should make 12 cupcakes.

You can do the decoration just by looking at the picture...