This tastes great on toast for breakfast (as an alternative to butter and jam) and it is also so very pretty. Weirdly my sons thought this was too 'girly' - so despite they liked seeing the change in colour and texture they did not like the final colours. They have never refused pastel-coloured cupcakes in the past, so it may be that they simply do not like the taste altogether.
You need:
- 600 gr butter - room temperature
- a handful of dried apricots
- a handful of shelled pistachios and a pinch of salt .
- 150 gr blueberries boiled (together with 1 tablespoon of water and 2 tablespoons of sugar) for 4-5 minutes over very low heat until they get a syrupy consistency.

In a food processor mix 200 grs of butter with the dried apricots. Put the butter over a rectangle of cling film and wrap it as if it was a sausage or a giant sweet. Put the butter in the fridge until it is chilled. Repeat the same steps with 200gr or butter, the pistachios and the salt (this is the combination that tastes best). Finally, blend the boiled blueberries in a food processor, add the butter and mix well. Chill as before in the fridge.
This lasts for a couple of weeks in the fridge.