This is a recipe from my grandmother. She was an amazing cook. She cooked with love - in fact you knew how much she loved you just by looking at what she had cooked for you. She never used any written recipes, nor did she write them herself, yet her wisdom in the kitchen has passed from her to my mum and from my mum to me - as I hope it will go from me to my children and then to their children.
This is not a recipe where children can help a lot, but I think they learn just by watching you and smelling and tasting as you go. My mother cooked this dish with me and while we were cooking we told the kids stories about my grandma - it was a  magical time for them.
You need:
-2 partridges
- 2 onions (medium size)
- half red pepper
- half green pepper
- 4 cloves of garlic
- a carrot
- a little bit of parsley (cut thinly)
- 1 bay leave
- olive oil (just enough to cover the base of the pan plus a bit more)
- vinegar (1.5 tablespoons)
- salt
- 1 glass of water
Put most of the oil on a frying pan. Add the salt to the partridges and fry them (seal them) until they are golden. Taken the partridges out and put them aside. In the same pan add the rest of the oil and throw in the onions, carrots and garlic cut in small cubes as well as the parsley and the bay leaf. Let it all fry over  medium heat  until it is all golden.  Put the partridges back in the pan with the golden vegetables, add the vinegar and the glass of water, put the lid over the pan and let it simmer for 45 minutes. Take the lid off and there it is: the most delicious poultry you could possibly imagine.